What if the back pain in the area of the shoulder blades, causes of pain

Experts point out that the pain in the back in the region of the shoulder blades is not a separate disease. Often, a pain caused by a pathology is not always related to the spine. So bad to the shoulder blades, perhaps, there were variations of the muscular-tendon system. The discomfort can also indicate an inflammation of the nerve root, located on the infested areas.

It is important to understand that the pain between the shoulder blades appears, even in case of interruption of operation of the internal organs. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be most effective, you should consult your doctor. After a diagnosis, the analyst determines the actual reason for this, which has appeared a pain in the region of the shoulder blades. This will have a timely treatment, and avoid serious complications.

The nature of the pain

The pain between the shoulder blades can manifest itself in different ways. Determine for yourself the reason for its occurrence very difficult. However, in defining the nature of the symptoms, we can almost understand what to do with this problem.


The syndrome of the pain of this type is said on the problems of the spinal column. The spin also begins to complain, if there are abnormalities in bone tissue. Most often, the pain in the back between the shoulder blades said about the development of the following diseases:

  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • scapular-shaped syndrome;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • kyphoscoliosis.

More rarely, a throbbing pain indicates the onset of an ulcer or coronary heart disease.


Traditionally, the causes of pain in the back between the shoulder blades of this nature are the variances related to the use of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and tendons. The more rare the situation, when a dull pain between the shoulder blades speak of the development of the degenerative disease or disk disease of the internal organs.

For a dull pain in the back between the shoulder blades characterized by the following symptoms:

  • local pain syndrome, affecting other parts of the body;
  • expose the affected muscles load, the discomfort intensifies;
  • it is possible to determine the affected area with the help of palpation.


If the back pain between the shoulder blades, probably, the reason became infringement of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. More rarely, a very strong pain are called inflammatory process or irritation. The symptoms of this nature before combines the term "sciatica".

Generally, the strengths of the pain in the spine appear the complications, the more slight differences: the disc degeneration, scoliosis, and so on.

the pain-in-the-field-of shoulder blades

The discomfort occurs in the area of the crushing of the binding appears to be an edema and an inflammation begins. The defeat of the spear, reflex process, in which the muscles in the back tense, why strain undergoes interference even stronger.

Another reason why there is a pain in the back, in the neighborhood of the vanes, may be colic bile. Because of this suffers primarily from the right side under the ribs. The treatment provides for the definition of reason, by monitoring the onset of pain after the meal with spicy or fatty food. Colic is also accompanied by vomiting and deterioration of health.


As well, describe the pain in the spine between the shoulder blades, caused by the following states:

  • myocardial infarction, accompanied by the deterioration of the state of the body, loss of consciousness, arrhythmia, as well as the reduction of the pressure in the arteries;
  • pancreatitis, in which there are cases of bloating and other disorders of the digestive system;
  • intercostal neuralgia, which is hampered by the breathing;
  • disc protrusion.

The furnace

Pain in the upper back of this nature that accompany one of the two standard deviations: angina pectoris or pain in the lower back.

For the treatment has been very effective, it is important to determine the pathology. To do this, you need to look at the main symptoms of each entity.

For CHD are clean:

  • of the furnace, shaking the pain;
  • the symptoms manifested by seizures, a heart attack;
  • the receipt of nitroglycerin eliminates the pain between the shoulder blades in the back at the end of a few minutes;
  • the movement of the shell has no influence on the intensity of the pain;
  • at complete rest the pain disappears.

Infringement of the nerve root which is characterized by:

  • the lack of response to nitroglycerin;
  • the decrease in pain after receiving pain medication;
  • the pain in the back in the region of the shoulder blade are caused by the movement.


An unpleasant sensation in the back between the shoulder blades, with such a character, often refers to the differences of work of the organization:

  1. The low back pain and thoracic. Mainly the back pain in the area of the blades due to the worsening of the pathology. The discomfort may be called upon to lift heavy objects or sudden movements.
  2. Gastric ulcer. If the injury came to light in the pancreas, which may appear unpleasant sensations in the area of the spine. Penetrated the wound also causes the acute pain, spreading over the stomach.
  3. Cholecystitis. The pathology is characterized by unpleasant sensations in right after the consumption of fatty or fried foods.


The syndrome is characteristic of the differences related to the osteo-muscular structures. They include the following offences:

  • scapular-shaped syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis, hit the chest or neck;
  • myofascial syndrome.


The symptomatology of this nature is often observed when any of the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • a pleural effusion, with cough and weakness;
  • the colic bile;
  • vegetative dysfunction;
  • perforation of ulcer at an early stage.

The reasons of occurrence of the pain

Interesting, why the back pain in the area of the blades, it is necessary to draw attention to the factors of these unpleasant sensations. Most often, physicians pay attention to these triggers:

  • the lack of mobility, lack of physical activity;
  • a job that requires a long period of position sedentary;
  • the excessive activity during sporting activities, weight-lifting, a sudden movement, jumping;
  • the mechanical damage, injuries.

In addition to the factors affecting the vertebra from the outside, there is a lot of pain conditions with symptoms. Therefore, if the back pain in the area of the shoulder blades, probably, pains due to disorders of the following:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pleurisy, pneumonia, and other lung diseases shell;
  • the dysfunction of mediastinal organs;
  • periarthroses affecting the shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • hernia;
  • the degenerative changes of the spine;
  • systemic diseases of the connective tissue, caused by the specific conditions of work.

How to treat

Before proceeding directly to treatment, it is important to define the true reason, why the back pain between the shoulder blades. Therefore, the chance of finding a treatment capable of providing a maximum of benefits.


Knowing that the lower back starts to ache because of the stretching of the muscles, you can try to remove the symptoms yourself. For example, sensing the seriousness or the tension between the shoulder blades, it is recommended to change the posture. It is also recommended to spend a few minutes for a simple exercise, if it is possible:

  1. Take or sitting position to stand-up.
  2. Bind him-even the hands to reach the maximum stretching of the shoulder blades.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 seconds.

Simple gymnastics will help to relieve the spasms, stretch the affected muscles. Therefore, in a position to get rid of the pain at home.


When painful sensations in the back, caused by the stretching of the muscles, as well to massage. Not even need to visit expensive conversations enough to massage the affected area of the right and left hand, alternating. Simplify the process using the applicator more Often.

If the problem is more serious, for example, the pain is caused by dystrophic change of the ligaments and tendons, it is better to get aid of objects:

  1. Take a tennis ball and put it on the floor.
  2. Go for spicy shoots the vertebrae in contact with the surface of the ball.
  3. "Take a ride" the back for 3 to 5 minutes.

It is recommended to perform this exercise 2 times per day, for 1 month. It is important to choose the best moment of the procedure, the pain is intensified. With time, the duration of the session, you can enlarge it.

The use of drugs

Unfortunately, when it hurts the spine between the shoulder blades, the massage may not always help. If after the first session of the discomfort has not gone away, even if it should discontinue therapy and the use of drugs with anti-inflammatory effect.

It is to be noted that the ointments don't always have the desired effects. If positive changes after the first week of treatment is not observed, it is advisable to consult a health care professional.

Therapy in the hospital

Is it that treatment is necessary, when the back pain in the area of blades, and other means do not allow. It is recommended in the case or in the development of complications.

Modern medicine has practiced an integrated approach to the libration of pain syndromes in the back. The course provides for the receipt of medicines, physiotherapy sessions, as well as gymnastics, medical. This choice of the optimal mix of hired himself a doctor. Only a professional is able to establish a personalized program of sanitation:

the good posture
  1. The use of medications. The doctors mostly prescribed drugs with anti-inflammatory effects, does not contain steroids. The practice shows that the greatest efficiency has nimika, ketonal and Movalis.
  2. Physiotherapy. Depending on the cause of pain syndromes, the specialist may affect the electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser, acupuncture, as well as the various means of manual therapy.
  3. Gymnastics complex. A series of exercises individually, focusing on the resolution of the problem. The patient is studying physics, gymnastics and carried out every day.

The prevention and the prevention of disease

  1. Before that back symptoms of pain, it is necessary to protect the spine strong physical constraints. This is even true during the treatment and after the treatment.
  2. Physical exercise is not only help you avoid problems with the spine, but also strengthen the muscles, creating sustainable supports the carcass. No need to visit the gym. Just maintain the muscles in good health, the daily exercise of gymnastics.
  3. During the day, it is recommended to pay attention to the position of the back, muscle tension and general condition. It is important to avoid a power surge, a long period of non-activity, and to promote the prevention of pathologies.
  4. Choose the right mattress and a comfortable bed. During sleep, the muscles completely relax. Therefore, the sleeper must support the spine in the natural state. A good sleep — the guarantee of the quality and of the restoration.
  5. Good nutrition is important for the prevention of these diseases. It is recommended to give up the fatty foods, eat less salt and drink more water. It should also be to diversify the diet of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. Therefore, to be able to provide quality meals and connective tissues.

It is important to understand that each of these methods to the health, can not guarantee 100% cure. From heal the pain of the region, interscapular, first get rid of the symptoms, and then get the visible and permanent therapeutic effect.

Unpleasant sensations — only the symptom of a of the potential pathologies. Therefore, to cope with a problem will eventually help traumatic, neurologist, cardiologist and a highly specialized physician.